
Gaetano Masuzzo Piazza Armerina Location

Gaetano Masuzzo

History - Culture - Art - Traditions - Curiosities and photos of one of the most beautiful towns of central Sicily

I am Gaetano Masuzzo, piazzese class of 1953, I love my city and I have deepened its history.
2008 I published "Storia civile ecclesiastica di Piazza e d'intorni" in chronological order, putting in order all the most important news concerning my hometown and beyond.

Here you will find historical research, census of fountains, votive aedicules and sundials, poets and poems, civil history from the gates of the city to the ancient titles, from hospitals to views; ecclesiastical history from the hundred churches to the bishops, to the sodalizzi and to the confraternities; curiosities, famous tourists, commemorations, the Palio dei Normanni,......

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Gaetano Masuzzo


94015 Piazza Armerina (EN)

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Gaetano Masuzzo, Piazza Armerina

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